Monday, January 25, 2010

Normal Hairstyles For Pre-teens Any Hairstyles That Would Work For My Hair?

Any hairstyles that would work for my hair? - normal hairstyles for pre-teens

I have shoulder length brown-blond hair. It is very wavy / curly and I hate that way. I'm still recovering after a shower. Normally I just my hand on a beanbag explosions at the top of his head. Does anyone have any suggestions or combed mix cute that normal?


Emma J said...

Leave the gel for curly hair straighten knocks on the side once her face. Probably, even if no natural hair, I love you, all the others.

There are a few photos on this site, but very low hair looks better. Although his hair is blond, she will work on both dark and fair.

nicenuga... said...

Thank you for your type of hair, rolls of plastic with Velcro or you with a variety of different styles! This Yahoo group has tons of photos from the latest hairstyles and new images are added all the time. Takes a little patience, because there are pictures so many years. It might be useful. ...

nicenuga... said...

Thank you for your type of hair, rolls of plastic with Velcro or you with a variety of different styles! This Yahoo group has tons of photos from the latest hairstyles and new images are added all the time. Takes a little patience, because there are pictures so many years. It might be useful. ...

unhearte... said...

If you hair is naturally wavy / curly, you can try your hair, crunches and you're now proposing. I think it might be a little better adjusted, but still works if you are looking for a quick fix carving after a shower.

lucy ann! (: said...

.. hmmm just trying to gel and what it is .. WAY poofy curly and then attach to the side or less. to reduce or

Mini said...

If you have a picture I would be able to give a better response from the AU. I love curly hair.

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