Sunday, December 20, 2009

Survival Aids What Types Of Adaptations Can Animals Develop To Aid Them In Survival?

What types of adaptations can animals develop to aid them in survival? - survival aids

I mean, millions!

Some are:
the number of fingers
Thickness or thinness of the skin,
the shape of the nose or ears

Expression matches to see how something else. An example would be the Sphinx, because it resembles a dead leaf, in tattered and traversed.


mnbylcr2 said...


Think of an animal and examine how it has adapted to survive. Far easier to work with animals:

Tiger - Remove the sharp teeth, for food, camouflage, etc ...
Hormiguero - long snout to retrieve food

To help in adapting to the people - to communicate to survive the opposable thumb.

The lists are endless. I hope this helped.

BIGgoura... said...

theoretically infinite

BIGgoura... said...

theoretically infinite

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