Why does my dog drag his hind legs on the carpet? - why does my dog drag her back legs
I lie two Chihuahuas and a lot of love and move to the carpet. They throw their bodies around with his front legs. It's so nice to see. Are prone to scratch or strain to see or trained to drool and say, "Oh, you're so cute?
If they drag their butts to the carpet is a sign of worms, if you only scratch his belly, then they are probably just itching and you want to ensure that no Paracite chips or other. If there is nothing wrong with them, then you are probably wondering how he feels, but be careful not too much and damage the skin.
Not sure.
oh yeah, so cute you do if dogs! yeah i luv ya soooo sweet its not just scratch their Bellys and not so pretty!
All dogs to stretch them. My mini Dachshund is done and done my big dog.
Are you sure that the rear legs are good? I have at home, because his legs do not work well with arthritis and hip dysplasia.
I have a border collie graduates with the legs on the sofa when she was down, but it runs only after a nap on the sofa.
In fact, you clean your anus Glan.
It could be painful hips and the onset of arthritis. My Basset Hound is the same thing, especially in the morning. It is very fun to see, but found our vet x-ray and hip problems. We started giving glucosamine chondroitin tablets in the morning, which helped a lot.
Anal glands PS - Someone mentioned, but it would be if you prefer not to do, your ass legs.
I know it's gross (sorry), but the dogs have anal glands to be cleaned. There is a possibility for you, or a dog perpetrators to clean the gland, but I am not informed enough to tell you how. Ask your veterinarian, or your abuser.
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